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Kidney Disease

65-year-old Caucasian male with history of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) 7 years prior, and the kidney disease remained in stage 3 for a few years until it progressed to stage 4 just months before his seeking stem cell therapy. He was told that with 3-4 months his disease would progress to stage 5, at which point he would need dialysis. Patient wanted to everything he could to avoid dialysis, which it would severely impair his quality of life.

Patient receive 5cc of umbilical cord-derived stem cell product (CharaCore) and 2cc exosome product (CharaExo) during his 1st therapy session. His follow-up laboratory tests 2 months later showed that his kidney function had improved by 20%. Patient received his 2nd stem cell treatment 5 months after the 1st treatment, and his kidney function remained stable at the improved level, instead of deteriorating like his kidney specialist predicted.

Since then, patient also noticed significant improvement in his energy level, to the point where he was able to walk 6-7 hours everyday during his 2-week overseas travel with wife, when previously this would have not been possible. Patient an also improvement in his eyesight, and went to his eye doctor 2 weeks after the 2rd stem cell treatment, finding out that the cataract noted 1 year prior had completely disappeared. In addition, patient’s blood sugar has improved, with his HgA1c being lowered from 5.2% on average to 5.0% on average.

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